I am running on Sitecore CMS 7.2, and Sitecore PowerShell Extensions 3.0. After installing the powershell extension module, Publishing site is always failing. I tried re-install on a vanilla Sitecore instance, but no luck. There is still having the same error. I researched online and found it was caused by script library item, which is an known issue. To walk around. I just need to mark the /Sitecore/System/Module/powershell/Script Library unpublished.

Google Chrome removed showModalDialog API since version 37 or later

What does it mean?

The publish function of Sitecore which version is prior to 7.1 is no longer working. This is because that Google Chrome removed showModalDialog API from its version 37 or later. For information can be found here.

What's the Solutions?


[1] https://kb.sitecore.net/articles/581527
[2] http://blog.chromium.org/2014/07/disabling-showmodaldialog.html


What is Faceted Search

Faceted search is a technique for accessing information organized according to a faceted classification system, allowing users to explore a collection of information by applying multiple filters (Cited by Wikipedia). There are lots of resources about the great feature in Sitecore 7, however few of them is actually explain how it can be implement in terms of coding. This article is intended to use a simple example to explain how it works in Sitecore 7.



As per the concept above, let's take an example, saying you have a car sale website, one of the categories of a car will be body type i.e.Sedan, Hachback. Also, there are 100 cars that body type is Sedan, and 200 are hatchback.


The below query is to search cars that made before 2013, and set facets for BodyType, Color, and Transmission.

Based on the above query, the Facets category values will be the actual BodyType, Color, and Transmission, the aggregate will be the number of cars under that category. For instance, Category[0] is BodyType, Category[0].Values[0] is Sedan, Category[0].Values[0].aggregate is 100.