Image result for headless cms

Headless CMS enabled architect to  separate the content from the display layer or the front-end user experience. It is rising in popularity in the development world.  This model allows breakthrough user experience by giving developers the great flexibility to innovate, as well as empowering architects to design the most scalable, decoupled solution.  So, as a developer, are you ready for taking the challenge? 

If not, skill up yourself and get ready!  In this article, I’m going to explain some of the essential/popular technologies and tools for you.


Image result for NPM yarn

NPM stands for Node Package Manager. If you are a .net backend developer, it’s similar to Nuget package which keeps track of all the packages and their versions. It allows the developers to easily update/remove them from the solution. Yarn is similar to NPM but with high performance. Yarn install packages in parallel. 


Image result for Babel frontend

Bable is a JavaScript transpiler that converts new JS code into old ones i.e. convert ES6 code into ES5, which allows developers to use latest JS specifications without worrying about the browser’s compatibility


Image result for webpack

Webpack is used to compile JavaScript modules, used for managing assets, styles, and compilation. it supports Sass, postCSS, UglifyJs etc.


Image result for ES6

JavaScript ES6 brings new syntax and new awesome features to make your code more modern and more readable. It allows you to write less code and do more. Learn more ES6 from here http://es6-features.org/

Sitecore JSS

Image result for sitecore jss

Sitecore JavaScript Services (JSS) is a complete SDK for JavaScript developers that enables you to build full-fledged solutions using Sitecore and modern JavaScript UI libraries and frameworks.

JSS is comprised of a series of APIs and services. At a fundamental level JSS extends Sitecore's dynamic, component-based layout model to the frontend. Whereas in a traditional JS application each route tends to host known components, in a JSS app a route's components and their data are defined dynamically by Sitecore (or disconnected data when in disconnected mode).

Driving layout dynamically enables JSS apps to support content editor driven layouts and support data-driven personalization and multivariate testing - all the power of Sitecore with all the flexibility of a headless deployment model.

JSS Sitecore Integration and Data Flow