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  • SXA


Have you ever been asked the question – Is “import theme” the only way to update/upload themes in SXA? Importing themes is easy, however,  sometimes it’s easier if the theme could be uploaded automatically whenever CSS/JavaScript is changed.  It would be more productive/efficient for front-end bug fixing/debugging, as front-end developer don’t have to always login sitecore, and upload file manually.

Fortunately, out-of-box SXA already has such hidden feature. I said it’s hidden, as it’s not been mentioned in official documentation, but it’s there.

How to enable auto-synchronizer?

  1. Open /Website/App_Config/Include/Feature folder and remove .disabled from z.SPE.Sync.Enabler.Gulp.config.disabled file;
  2. Update config file for Gulp tasks. **ThemeRoot/gulp/config.js** file as shown below.


3. Run gulp


After that, you will notice that all compiled css/javascripts are automatically uploaded into Sitecore. (Tips: Disable optimizer, otherwise you will have to manually delete optimized.min files)